Thursday, March 8, 2012


Please take time out of your day to go here and watch the video. Donate if possible. Sign the pledge. 

This video is intended to reach people who are unaware of Joseph Kony and his hunger for power and his inhumane use of children. It is doing just what it is intended and that is making Kony famous in order to capture him. There are few things that pull on my heart strings enough to become vocal and those few thing usually involve children. The video is long, but very worth it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

1.5 And Going Strong

Today is mine and the boy's one and half year mark (we definitely started dating on a Friday the 13th, turns out to have been a bit of good luck). We spent the weekend at a lovely little ranch resort with no internet and barely any TV, and it was a perfectly restful weekend.

Here's to the best year and a half of my life and hopefully a lifetime more!

Music To My Ears:Monday

I am thrilled that Ingrid Michaelson has a new album out. I just adore her. She has such a beautiful voice and her hilariously bubbly and sometimes vulgar personality is definitely a plus. This song is one of my new favorites! 

"It's cold outside, but I'm just fine. You are mine to keep warm."

I wish there were and actual video for this song, but this will have to do.

Like what you hear? Purchase Miss Michaleson's new album "Human Again".

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

This year I really don't have much of a major resolution, other than to eat better and read more!

Jess from IROCKSOWHAT wrote a very inspiring post earlier this year that gets down to the dirty boring facts of taking control of what you eat. Read about how to Stop Being Fat!

Winding down the year!
One of my favorite movie review writers (maybe movie critic would have sounded better? who cares?) wrote for the Dallas Observer of the Top Movies of 2011.
I am most excited about Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, the book is just the greatest and I hope the movie does it justice.

The Chicago Tribune gave us a list of the Best Books of 2011. I will use this list as my go to for my resolution of more reading in 2012!

And last, but certainly not least Pitchfork's 50 Best Albums of 2011. I'm not going to lie, I haven't heard the majority of these (I have fallen off of the "cool music" bandwagon). I do however love Lykke Li's Wounded Rhymes, Fleet Foxes Helplessness Blues, M83's Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, and of course Bon Iver's new self-titled album with which I am in LOVE.

I wish you all the happiest (and safest) New Year!

ps! I need more of this to happen this year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tumblr Tuesday!

I fell in love with a Tumblr today. Page after page of beautiful couples from the past.

Johnny Depp & Kate Moss
Who doesn't love a good (as if a bad one exists) picture of Johnny Depp? Yeah that's what I thought.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Baby E's Birthday!

This weekend was the greatest! Baby Elaina turned ONE. Can you believe it? Neither can I. We had a blast opening presents and devouring the yummy cupcakes her mommy slaved over. Major kudos to Miss Kristen for pulling off an ADORABLE first birthday party, despite some negative criticism toward every idea. It turned out perfectly!

Side note- the photos are my very first ever Photoshop project. Which could not have been possible without help from Katrina's wonderful tutorials on Pugly Pixel.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello blog world!

This morning is a slow one. Enjoying some yummy oatmeal with strawberries and a hint of Nutella (Nutella goes with everything, trust me, I know).

Scored a few wonderful pieces at estate sales this weekend with my best, Kristen. My new little house is now transforming into a little home. So excited to blog about this decorating journey.

Off to work!